Child injured in road accident near Fishponds schools

A YOUNG child was taken to hospital after being knocked down by a car near two Fishponds primary schools.

Police and the ambulance service were called to Abingdon Road shortly after 3.30pm yesterday to reports of a collision involving a car and a pedestrian on the road.

A police spokesperson said: “The pedestrian – a boy of pre-school age – was taken to hospital by ambulance with injuries not believed to be life-threatening or life-changing.

“The driver remained on the scene and was spoken to by officers.”

Abingdon Road is home to Chester Park Junior School, while Chester Park Infant School is close to the junction of Abingdon Road and Ridgeway Road.

Injured boy is ‘recovering’

The head teacher of both schools, Mike McNama, wrote to parents today to tell them that the injured boy was “at home and is recovering”.

Abingdon Road (pictured above near the entrance to Chester Park Junior School) has been the subject of repeated complaints about illegal parking, unsafe driving and cars stopping in the middle of the road to let children out.

The road has a one-way system, ‘School Streets’ traffic restrictions during pick-up and drop-off times, and bollards and ‘parking buddies’ to discourage parking on pavements and street corners.

While there is no suggestion from the police that the driver involved in the latest incident either parked or was driving illegally, Mr McNama told parents he had written to Bristol City Council today about “continued concerns in and around the school in relation to parking and driving”.