Election hustings for Fishponds, Eastville and Stapleton residents

RESIDENTS will get the chance to quiz candidates at public meetings in the three wards covering Fishponds.

Organised by Fishponds Community Planning Group, the meetings will provide a chance to ask candidates in the Bristol city Council elections on May 2 how they will deal with the likely impact of major local redevelopment schemes, and any other issues of concern to local residents. 

Group co-chair Lori Streich said: “We are inviting all the candidates because the role of councillors will become more important now the Mayoral system is ending. We want to make sure they are listening to local views.

“We are holding events in each ward, but people can come to whichever is more convenient.”

Among the sites with developments in the pipeline are the so-called ‘Atlas Place’ development near Morrisons, and UWE’s Glenside campus, with concern over other sites and landmarks including Glenside Hospital Museum, and the Robinson’s brick chimneys.

Dates of hustings meetings

The Eastville ward meeting will be on Monday April 22 at 7.30pm in All Saints Church Hall, Grove Road.

The Frome Vale ward meeting will be on Thursday April 25 at 7pm, in the Old Library, Fishponds Road.

The Hillfields ward meeting, on Monday April 29 at 6pm, will be in St John’s Church Hall on Lodge Causeway.

For more information visit fishpondscpg.org.uk and the group’s Facebook page.