Stalker stands in Fishponds woman’s garden trying to break into house

POLICE are trying to trace a man they say has been stalking a woman living in Fishponds.

Officers have appealed for other people who have been targeted by the man as well as witnesses and people with video footage to come forward.

Avon & Somerset police say the man has come into the garden of the victim’s home in Fishponds Road three times between April last year and this month. The most recent incident was on Sunday, January 7.

The victim has been unable to give the police a detailed description of the man, who is of slim build.

A force spokesperson said: “He has been seen standing at her window, trying to force entry to the building and inappropriately touching himself.

Police say the incidents have had “a significant impact” on the victim.

They have carried out extra patrols of the area, examined CCTV and carried out house-to-house enquiries as part of the investigation.

Police say stalking reports are taken ‘incredibly seriously’

The spokesperson added: “Stalking is a pattern of repeated, unwanted behaviour that causes you to feel distressed or scared. 

“No-one should have to live with stalking and it should not be tolerated. We take all reports incredibly seriously.”

Anyone with information they think could help the police investigation should call 101 and quote the crime reference number 5224 005 186.

Victims of stalking and harassment who want to report it can use the same number, or call 999 in an emergency such as the stalker being present.

Reports can also be made online at, or to the national stalking helpline on 0808 802 0300.