Man arrested over Stapleton sex assault

A MAN has been arrested in connection with a sexual assault on a woman as she walked along a footpath near the River Frome in Stapleton.

Police say a man approached the woman while she walking along the Frome Valley Walkway at about 1pm on Monday.

He asked for directions to Blackberry Hill and the woman pointed him in the right direction before continuing on her walk.

But police say the man instead followed the woman up Wickham Glen, which links the riverside path to Park Road in Stapleton, and attacked her.

The woman, who is in her 40s, alerted another member of the public when she reached Park Road.

Today a police spokesperson said that a man in his 30s had been arrested and was being held in custody.

The force is continuing to carry out extra patrols in the area, and is asking anyone who has information that could help the investigation, or has been a victim of a similar attack they have not yet reported, to call 101 or visit the police website, quoting the crime reference number 5224 156 250.